Thursday, March 20th, 2025
Middle and junior high school orchestras
Friday, March 21st, 2025
High school orchestras
Held at the University of Puget Sound
Preference will be given to applications received by January 15.
Each March, the Tacoma Youth Symphony Association sponsors an orchestra festival for middle school, junior high school, and high school orchestras. The Symphonic Orchestra Festival (also known as SOF) provides a unique non-competitive environment for middle, junior high, and high school musicians to perform, listen, and learn. Orchestras from throughout the Puget Sound region perform for one another, work with TYSA conductors, and have the opportunity to listen to TYSA chamber musicians.
If you would like your middle, junior high, or high school orchestra to participate in this highly acclaimed event, please fill out the application below, or contact James Doyle at jdoyle@tysamusic.org for more information.
Important Dates
In order to ensure your school’s participation at the festival, please submit your application by January 15th and your fees by March 1st.
Take a peek behind the scenes to see what Symphonic Orchestra Festival is like!
About the Festival
Since 1982, the Tacoma Youth Symphony Association and the Washington State Arts Commission have sponsored the Symphonic Orchestra Festival. The festival provides a day for students to share and enjoy music together in a non-competitive environment. It is not a contest, and no ratings are given. Each participating school receives a plaque to display in its orchestra room. The festival day gives each school unique learning opportunities through individual performances, an unscored clinic with a TYSA conductor, and a symphonic experience led by TYSA Music Director, Dr. James Welsch.
Each participating orchestra’s schedule will vary, but depending on your application selection, the morning track starts around 9:00 AM and ends around 12:00 PM and the afternoon track starts around 1:00 PM and ends around 4:00 PM. A detailed schedule will be mailed to you by the end of February.
Scores and a set of parts will be emailed in January. Each director is responsible for making the necessary number of copies for their students.
Each school will need to make their own travel arrangements. Accommodations can be made for students with special needs by emailing the TYSA office.
Each student needs to bring their own folding music stand. All stands and instruments should be marked with the student’s name and school.
For more information, please contact James Doyle, School Programs Manager, at jdoyle@tysamusic.org.