

Please complete one form for each absence.

Attendance Policy & Absence Notification Procedures

The very nature of the orchestra experience requires a concerted effort by individuals doing their best at all times. By accepting membership in the Tacoma Youth Symphony Association, each student is expected to fulfill the obligations associated with all performances, retreats, and tours as well as the rehearsals for their preparation. A rehearsal schedule will be distributed at the beginning of each concert cycle to assist the students and their families with planning. Punctuality is essential in all aspects of this experience, as is communicating extraordinary personal circumstances to the conductor through the Rehearsal Assistant. Student attendance record is reviewed at the beginning of each season as a factor affecting orchestral placement.

Absence Notification Procedure

  1. Each student is required to attend all performances, retreats, and tours of the orchestra of which they are a member. 
  2. If a conflict occurs, the student should identify it as many months in advance as possible and attempt to resolve it to avoid the conflict with the TYSA event.
  3. If these efforts do not resolve the conflict, the student should fill out a “Report an Absence” form and submit it online. THIS SHOULD OCCUR RARELY.
  4. For students in leadership positions (principals, assistants, and players with one on a part) this is a very serious matter.
  5. EMERGENCY absences (sudden illness, death in the family, etc.) must be referred to the Rehearsal Assistant as early as possible. 
  6. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE TYSA OFFICE regarding attendance problems; you must speak directly with the Rehearsal Assistant.
  7. After two absences a letter will be sent home to the parents. After three absences the student needs to meet with the conductor.


Each student must attend every rehearsal and stay to its conclusion. Some works do not require all instruments, so players of such instruments must be in attendance only for that portion of the rehearsal for which they have a part. They may leave only after being dismissed by the conductor.


Students are expected to arrive at the rehearsal site, be tuned and warmed up by the beginning of the rehearsal; arriving at the rehearsal’s starting time would make the student late. Being late greatly detracts from the planned group objectives. It is also a requirement to be in place and on time after scheduled breaks. Students who enter a rehearsal late for any reason must check in with the Rehearsal Assistant. 

Notification of Absence From Rehearsal

Please complete one form for each absence.

INSTRUCTIONS: By accepting membership in the Tacoma Youth Symphony Association, you have agreed to attend all rehearsals, performances, retreats and tours. If you have a conflict with a particular event and it is not possible to work out an alternative arrangement, it is important for our planning that we know the details of your absence as far in advance as possible. Your attendance record is reviewed each fall as a factor affecting your orchestral placement. One form must be submitted for each absence regardless of whether you have verbally notified your Rehearsal Assistant. This form must be submitted online. Additional information is listed in the TYSA Handbook.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Student's Name(Required)
By typing your name above you affirm you are the parent of the above-named student and that this information is accurate.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


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Going to be Absent?
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